History Outreach banner
McMahon Hall, new home of the History Department

OUTREACH: (verb) to excel, to go further; (noun) extending connections.  Welcome to our inaugural issue of “Outreach”, our bridge between the Department of History and the parents and families of our undergraduate History majors.  Read our Department Chair’s welcome here.

History Majors and Careers:

What do the data tell us?

career sectors of history gradutes


The reality of what history majors end up doing in their careers may surprise you.
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What do History Majors Actually Learn?:
History as the past, history as a process

flow chart illustrating historical research process

At the heart of studying history is finding and evaluating information, formulating evidence-based arguments, and writing analytically: learn how research is at the heart of everything we do.
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D.C. as a Classroom:
Historians explore beyond the campus

 CUA students at Eastern Market

Where we are, history is all around us!  Learn how we use the city as the best audio-visual aid imaginable. 

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