Dr. Michael Kimmage, Ordinary Professor of History and Department Chair, published The Abandonment of the West: The History of an Idea in American Foreign Policy (New York: Basic Books, 2020).
Dr. Leslie Woodcock Tentler, Emerita Professor of History, published American Catholics: A History (Yale University Press, 2020).
Dr. Ronald Calinger, Emeritus Professor of History, published Leonhard Euler’s Letters to a German Princess: A Milestone in the History of Physics Textbooks and More (San Rafael, Calif.: Morgan and Claypool, 2019), with Ekaterina Denisova and Elena N. Polyakhova.
Dr. Seth Smith (Ph.D., 2016), Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs in the School of Arts and Sciences, joined the Department as Clinical Assistant Professor.
Dr. Jerry Muller, Emeritus Professor of History, retired after 36 years of service in the Department.
The Department awarded the 2020 John Zeender Prize for best senior thesis in History by a graduating History major to two members of this year’s graduating class: Elizabeth Erickson (B.A. 2020), for her thesis, “The Honorable Ronald N. Davies and the fight for racial justice”, and Joslyn Felicijan (B.A. 2020), for her thesis, “‘Back then we were heroes, today we’re murderers’: Anglo-Polish historical memory in World War II cinema.” The Department also presented the John T. Farrell Prize, for the highest grade point average among graduating History majors, to Allison Senko (B.A. 2020). These awards and more were the central attractions of the Department’s first-ever online version of its annual celebration, in light of the coronavirus pandemic, in April 2020.
Joslyn Felicijan also received the award for best paper in non-U.S. history at the 2020 Mid-Atlantic regional conference of Phi Alpha Theta, for her presentation of a version of her senior thesis.
José Castellon Gutiérrez (B.A. 2020) received the Father Stratemeier award for excellence in extracurricular activities, leadership, and service, as well as scholarship. He will begin a master’s degree program in history at Georgetown University in Fall 2020.
Dr. Jon Paul Heyne (Ph.D. 2020) joined the faculty of the University of Dallas as Assistant Professor of History.
Dr. Austin Powell (Ph.D. 2020) was appointed Postdoctoral Scholar in the Classics Program at the University of California at Davis from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022. His article, "Jerome's Letters to Women and the Dominican Observant Reform in Quattrocento Italy", was accepted by Renaissance Quarterly.
Dr. Ryan Carpenter (Ph.D. 2018) was appointed Director of Research and Analysis with the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.
Dr. Marie D’Aguanno Ito (Ph.D. 2014) is now an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University.
Margaret Johnson (B.A. 2019) completed an M.Ed. in Education Policy at the University of Washington College of Education.
John Glascock (B.A. 2019) starts an M.Phil. degree program in Sociology and Demography at the University of Oxford in the autumn of 2020.
Conor Boland (B.A. 2017), a J.D. candidate at Notre Dame Law School, interned during the summer of 2020 for the Honorable J. Joseph Rossi at the 17th Circuit Court. He will join Varnum LLP as a summer associate in 2021.
Rebecca McCarron (B.A. 2017), who earned an M.St. in History from the University of Oxford in 2018, published an article, “The politicization of girlhood: From the Gibson girl to the National Woman's Party, 1895-1920”, in Women’s History Review.
Maria Rodriguez (B.A. 2016) joined the National Geographic as Integrated Marketing Manager.