On May 7, from 1:00 to 6:00pm, Catholic University’s Department of History will host an event honoring Jerry Z. Muller, who joined the Department in 1984 and retired in 2020. A wide range of speakers will discuss his influential research and publications, his legacy as a teacher and colleague, and more. We invite all those interested to join us!
This event will take place via Zoom:
For more information contact Mary Tesfaye (tesfayem@cua.edu)
Opening Remarks – Michael Kimmage (Chair, Department of History, Catholic University): 1:00 PM
Panel One: Jerry Muller as Scholar and Public Intellectual: 1:15pm- 2:45pm
“On Nazism and the Intellectuals: Radicalization and Deradicalization” (Jeffrey Herf, University of Maryland, College Park)
“Historian of Conservatism” (Samuel Goldman, George Washington University)
“The Intellectual History of Capitalism” (Ryan Hanley, Boston College)
“Three Decades of Thinking about Capitalism with Jerry Muller” (Peter J. Dougherty, Princeton University Press)
2:45pm-3:00pm – Break
Panel Two – Jerry Muller as Student and Colleague: 3:00pm-3:45pm
Steve Aschheim (Hebrew University)
Gerald Izenberg (Washington University)
Steve Whitfield (Brandeis University)
Panel Three - Jerry Muller as Teacher and Colleague: 3:45-5:00pm
Carl Ashley (Catholic University PhD, 2003; US Department of State)
Robert Townsend (Catholic University BA, 1988, MA, 1990; Director, Washington Office, American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
Thomas Patteson (Catholic University PhD, 2019)
Ernest Suarez (Department of English, Catholic University)
Caroline Sherman (Department of History, Catholic University)
5:00-5:15 – break
Grand Finale: 5:15-6:00pm
Provost’s Introduction: Aaron Dominguez (Catholic University)
“An Intellectual Journey: Teaching and Writing” (Jerry Muller)
Closing remarks: Michael Kimmage