The Catholic University of America History Club has opened the 2019-2020 academic year with the aim of revitalizing its role for history majors and all students interested in the subject of history.
The History Club strives to connect students who have a shared passion for exploring or learning about history, regardless of their major or minor. The organization used to be called the Griffin Society. Kevin Fanning, a junior History Major and the Club’s president, noted that “We agreed this new name would provide a more welcoming and inviting atmosphere, and allow students to understand more clearly the kind of organization we are”. Along with re-naming, the Club also has a new visual branding, in the form of the logo that appears above. The Club’s officers are prioritizing upgrades in social media, with an updated Instagram page that will be the Club’s principal platform (#catholicuhistoryclub). Revised Facebook and Twitter pages will follow.
Beyond that, the Club’s officers are discussing a variety of events and initiatives, ranging from field trips to historical sites in Washington and beyond, on-campus movie and historical trivia evenings, and events that help History Majors see connections to eventual career paths. Kevin emphasizes “We are determined to be a club that does stuff for its members, and supports the passion for which we exist, history.” Anyone interested in participating in the History Club can reach out by email at catholicuhistoryclub@gmail.com.