April 06, 2019

The Department of History is pleased to host Jon Parrish Peede, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, in conversation with John Garvey, President of The Catholic University of America.  The moderator will be Professor Michael Kimmage, Chair, Department of History, The Catholic University of America

In this conversation, two leaders from the world of higher education and education policy will take a close look at faith and higher education in the United States. They will glance back at the past, and assess matters related to faith and higher education at the present. From the vantage points of The Catholic University of America and of the National Endowment for the Humanities respectively, John Garvey and Jon Parrish Peede will also look to the future for academic opportunities in those areas where higher education and religious faith intersect.

Tuesday April 23, 2019
Pryzbyla University Center Great Room B-C

For more information or for disability assistance, contact Kyla Roberts at 202-319-5484 or robertsky@cua.edu.