Photo: the officers of the History Club for 2024-2025. Back row, l-r: Makayla Williams, President; Katie Majka, Secretary; Gabriella Urso, Treasurer; Katharine Walto, Freshman Rep. Front: Patrick Lewis, Vice-President.
New year, new sense of community
The last club for undergraduate students passionate about history at Catholic University was undergoing a revitalization a few years ago... in the 2019-2020 academic year, when COVID disrupted that among many other things. Last year brought new enthusiasm for the club and it re-emerged as strong as ever. This year's leadership has started the year energetically, with a range of events and enthusiastic participation by students, whether majoring in the subject or not. One of their initiatives this past summer was to reach out to incoming freshman and their parents, by creating and circulcating short video welcomes: why they are glad they chose to be major in history, and what freshman year in the Department is like.
So far there's been a debate night: Who killed the princes in the tower? Better President: Washington vs. Lincoln? Should America have dropped the bomb on Japan in 1945? (Spoiler: RIchard III, Lincoln, and arguments on both sides). The club followed up with a combined trivia night and preview of spring 2025 courses. They have plans for movie nights, a visit to the Spy Museum, and more.
Photo: History Club trivia night and spring course preview.
Club President Makayla Williams says: "As a senior History major, History Club has always been something I have heard about, yet it never seemed to be an actual thing. A big goal for Patrick and myself while attempting to revive the club over the summer was to make sure it became a club that welcomed anyone who loves history. My hope is that the club stays a place where anyone who loves history, majors or not, can come and discuss these events with people who have shared interests after my graduation in the fall."
Sophomore Patrick Lewis says: "I enjoy serving as History Club Vice President, because helping to reform the club and be involved in making our events successful is important to me! I hope the club is and will continue to serve as a place where all students at CUA, both History majors/minors and anyone else who has an interest in the subject, can get together and meet like-minded people."