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McMahon Hall, new home of the History Department

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The future of the medieval past

Catholic University's traditional strength in medieval studies means that our Department has a proud record of graduate education for next generations of scholars and teachers of the Middle Ages.  In this issue of our newsletter, we profile alumni of our M.A. and Ph.D. programs and their careers. What are their memories of the Department and how did we help them get where they are? Read their stories!


Sally Brasher (Ph.D. 2002)
Professor, Department of History, Director of the Honors Program, and Co-director of Gender and Women’s Studies Program, Shepherd University

“I have often told my students that the reason I am a professor is that I loved being in graduate school so much, and teaching was the next best option to staying in school forever.”

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Melodie Harris Eichbauer (M.A. 2004, Ph.D. 2010)
Professor, Department of Political Science, Public Administration, and History, and Interim Director of the Office of Scholarly Innovation and Student Scholarship, Florida Gulf Coast University

“My memory of the History Department is of the faculty moving in the same direction with regards to an overall mission and pedagogical framework.  It spoiled me and I later realized that many departments are not that way.”

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Thomas Finan (Ph.D. 2001)
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of History, St. Louis University

“The inherent interdisciplinary nature of medieval history opens the door to interaction with other fields of research, which in the academy is often missing.”

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Peter Larson (M.A. 1998; M.A., Durham University, 1999; Ph.D., Rutgers University, 2004)
Professor, Department of History, and Associate Dean,
College of Arts and Humanities, University of Central Florida

"The social scientist in me loves data, but the real inspiration comes from recognizing the importance of the human story."

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Maureen Miller (M.A. 1983; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1989)
Professor, Department of History, University of California Berkeley

"I've had a long and happy career subjecting the history of the medieval church to any historical method that offered the prospect of illuminating the experience of non-elite believers."

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In the Middle of History:

An expansive and diversified conceptualization of the Middle Ages


Learn about the wide-ranging research and teaching of our Department's medieval section.
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The Department Comes Home:
New space, new opportunities


Location matters, and space is culture.  The History Department's new home in McMahon Hall, at the heart of Catholic University's campus, is already kindling a renewed spirit of community for students and faculty alike.
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Faculty Book Highlight for 2023




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